Monday 10 February 2014

Wine Corks for recycling and re-purpose

 Hello blogging friends

Salvage Kulchar is looking for Wine Corks to recycle/repurpose.

Maybe you cant help, but someone else could, kindly share this request

Are you a wine lover and always have loads of corks that end up in the bin?

Do you work at, or own a restaurant / bar and have lots of patrons that enjoy wine? Please collect your wine corks. dump it in a bag or box and mail the parcel to us.

All that you have to do is enjoy your wine, collect the wine and Champagne cork stoppers and send it to; Salvage Kulchar, via South African Post Office; to the following address:

Salvage Kulchar - Wine Cork Salvaging
P.O Box 15698

At this stage we are concentrating on Cork so if you can help it, please don't send plastic wine stoppers and other non-cork materials

But dont fret, if do you send these stoppers to Salvªge Kul.chªr, they will still be recycled/repurposed.

If you require assistance to mail the parcel please inbox me.

Thanking you and happy salvaging.
Salvªge Kul.chªr

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