Tuesday, 15 October 2013

A Night in Paris with Salvage Kul.char

Creating a night in Paris

 .... Bet you didn't know that Salvage Kul.char can give you a complete function solution...

Hand Painted Backdrops
Eiffel Tower at night

Mademoiselle Twané celebrated a birthday party and Salvage Kul.char had the honor of building and painting all the decor items and props, we also staged and did the entire set up for the function.

Our brief was concise, pink and black with white. Of course the Eiffel tower and a French Boulangerie shop was on the list.

We jumped to the opportunity; what did we do.. rented the function items to them and from these the following amongst others were custom made.

Designed and hand painted custom backdrops

Hand painted backdrops and lantern

Eiffel Tower from twigs and sticks





Built a bakery shop from re-purposed polystyrene, complete with the shop named after Twane

Cut and painted the Arc de Triomphe from polystyrene blocks 

Photo booth - we placed a cable reel disc on the jacuzzi and the Arc de Triomphe on top of it and voila photo booth

Arc de Triomphe photobooth

Created Paris Lanterns - all pink

Pink Lantern

Design detail

This function for mademoiselle Twane, used 80% re-purposed material. Well done Mademoiselle for doing your share for sustainability.

Get your function hire and decor / prop items from us. Everything from plates to knifes and forks, tables and decor items.

When making props and decor items, we stick to our Salvage culture of up-cycling and re-purposing items.

As a team; we (you and Salvage Kul.char) can add to the sustainability of Mother Earth

More photo's below:

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